
Some small projects.

Hey guys.

I've made a couple things the last few days.

Mostly because I've got about 100 flowers done and I'm kinda sick of making them.  Not that I won't do it.  Not that I won't love it when its done.  But man, that's a lot of flowers.

So in between my 5 flowers a day I've done...

A gift for a good friend's son.  It is a hat and scarf.  I enjoyed making the hearts.  I had never done that before.

I also made this.  Mostly because I thought it looked really interesting.  It turns out its HUGE (pen for scale) and I'm not sure what to do with it.  Any ideas?

I've also started a head band for a friend and a banner for Violet. I'm starting to think her entire room is going to be granny squared.  :)

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